A review by emmariana97
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata

no one: 

vanessa: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. i counted instead of punching his stupid god awful sexy face. his huge face set on behemoth square shoulders large enough to send people flying, his rippling ham thighs with huge gigantic ginormous colossal humongous muscles i didn't even know existed. i felt like such a huge asshole for not smiling back at him, even though he'd called me an annoying nag. he kept walking with his thunderous steps shaking the literal foundations of the building, his leviathan pectorals bouncing largely and hugely

-her bffl is being abused by her shitty bf and doesn't want to tell mc. but rather than try to, idk, help her, vanessa's only response is that she's a duplicitous two faced liar that can't be trusted

-when van gets groped by christian it's (rightly!!) portrayed as a crime. when aidan gets groped by a stranger van thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. make it make sense PLEASE

-the canadians in this keep using "eh" instead of "yes". has this author ever met a canadian
-mc dresses up as a minion and goku for halloween because she hates when women dress slutty. she also yells at aidan for not knowing anime. mariana zapata i need you to be so serious with me rn

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