A review by allmadhere106
Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia


I've been reading a lot of adult romance lately, so this was a nice break. Zora is spunky and strong while still being vulnerable with the reader (never with the people she knows though--she's gotta be tough). I loved the mystery of it all and how I was encouraged to work for my own answers. I also liked that not everything is explained. The book could have a sequel to answer some leftover issues, but it also rests with the theme that one needs to stop looking for answers eventually. The characters were awesome too and I enjoyed their caricatures in the beginning of the book. A fun read with its own unique mythology.

For: horror/mystery fans; readers looking for a book that asks a lot of questions and doesn't answer everything; readers looking for a compelling book.

Possible red flags: death; murder; arson; missing/presumed dead mother; incarcerated father; mentions of sex, but not the main character/POV; sexual harassment; assault; property damage; more arson; false accusations; privilege; prejudice; mentions of LGBTQ+; possession; ghosts and hauntings; being isolated and ostracized.