A review by bitchie
The Secrets in My Scowl by A.E. Via


Well, this was one of those "I was only going to read a couple of chapters and see if I like it, and then I couldn't put it down, and read all night" books!

This was practically A Christmas Carol, only with no Christmas, or spirits, and no greed, but Jacob had such a negative, Scrooge like attitude. He was outright rude on numerous occasions, and there's really no excuse for his behavior. But now I'm going to say that, I actually did understand. He was trying to hard to protect himself, that his anger and pain forced him to push everyone away before they could get too close. Wylde showed up in his life at just the right time, when his relationship with his friend/fuck buddy Patrick was changing and Jacob was falling apart.

Wylde was just a delight! He was an ocean of calm and sweetness and light, and he was just what Jacob needed. I loved the slow burn that went on here, watching Wylde creep right inside Jacob's defenses. Sure, Jacob seemed to change overnight (and all it took was Wylde's ass, not a few silly spirits!), but it made sense if you were paying attention. Jacob pushed everyone away, but he positively ached for love and affection.

I did have a few little niggles, which is what kept this from being 5 stars. I had hoped that Jacob's first boyfriend would have cropped back up in the story, especially when
Spoiler Jacob had to go home after his father died
, and I found Jacob's mother's reason for leaving them very silly. All that time they could have had together, lost! I'd rather those questions have remained unanswered, because they just added a bit more drama in a guy's life that already had enough.

Still, all in all, I really enjoyed this book, and indeed, could not put it down, reading all night, and when I was already tired, at that!