A review by clairereadstoomuch
A History of Vampires: A New Queen by Amanda Lewis


*Thank you NetGalley for letting me read this book early in exchange of a honest review*

If you're expecting to read a story about vampires, come again. This book couldn't be farther from it.

Not only do they not have proper fangs, they hardly drink blood and they spend their time contributing to a secret society that aims to better the world.

Now, my problem isn't with that even though I was disappointed that it wasn't what you would expect from a book on vampires.

My problem is with Angelia, Jude and their whole affair.

She is a doctor in archeology, she's supposed to be smart and have common sense. So when she knows that a man has been stalking her and then he admits of doing so, she shouldn't have gone on a date with him.

Angelina, girl, however sexy he might be, you know better than that c'mon.

Also, a girl who has spent her whole life studying and investing in her degree and her future just does not throw away everything just because a handsome man asks you to marry you.

A man who you've known for less than a month who has been stalking you for three years.

It's complete nonsense and it was maddening to read.

The two stars are wholly for Edgar and Ludwig.
Now that was cool. I cannot deny that meeting your favorite authors and historical figures have its appeal and I'd love that.

But everything else? Utter nonsense.

It's safe to say that I won't continue the series.