A review by seeingnight
The Apollo Academy by K.P. Lovely


GENRE: Young Adult
THEME: Science Fiction, Space, Romance
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/

I’m a huge fan of science fiction and it’s rare for me to get lucky and randomly come across a find like this one, but this one called out my name. I loved the cover and it was obvious that this had to do with space and a futuristic storyline, but it’s characters and their back-stories really brought this book to the next level and it’s a new favorite of mine.

The Apollo Academy follows eighteen-year-old Aurora Titon, who is very excited to get away from the spotlight that is her family name. Her father being the very wealthy and powerful man of Titon Technologies, it makes her want get away from the pampered life and do what she has always dreamed, become an astronaut. Now that she has been accepted to The Apollo Academy it seems her dreams are becoming true, but someone is sabotaging her training and making her life in the academy anything but a dream. Luckily with the help of her best friend and two boys that seem to be vying for her heart, she will stop at nothing to get some answers.

Aurora is not your normal rich girl. Having the pampered life and all glitz and glamour, it’s more of a pain. She hates being in the spot light and her father seems too always be putting her there. Luckily she ‘s a smart girl who is determined to be the first female pilot to train at the famous Apollo Academy. I really connected to her character, she enjoys school and the challenges, her dreams are big and not matter what she wants to make a difference. Her life as an heiress makes it difficult for the other students to accept her so she really tries to prove that she is there for the same reason they are. I give her lots of kudos for taking the harsh comments from others and holding her own.

The boys, Aurora may be concentrating on being a pilot but two boys are making it difficult for her for many reasons. Zane is a boy who has an unknown past, his life hasn’t been easy and the academy is his one chance to prove himself. Meeting Aurora one night he was captivated by her, but after finding out she is a Titon, he knows hell never be good enough. The tension between the two is hot and cold and the chemistry seems to always be there. I love the connection that they both have and Zane seems to truly have his heart in the right spot but says the wrong things. I’m rooting for these two to figure things out but there is another who seems to have Aurora in his sights. Sky is an instructor and star pilot and he doesn’t help make Aurors life at school much easier, but he has many secrets that begin to connect them together. I loved his character too; I’m not sure who I like her with better but Sky is really an interesting and important piece of a bigger puzzle.

Overall I love the plot, there is a mix of politics, sabotage, business rivalries, and romance that add suspenseful moments to what is suppose to be school training for young learners. Aurora and her best friend Kaylana take on school together, which new college students will connect to their experiences and challenges. There are a ton of twists and secrets that each character is trying to unfold. I can’t wait to see what they uncover next, the ending left me definitely asking questions but also satisfying some that I had through out the story. I look forward to reading more from Chase who brought to life an exciting and suspenseful futuristic world.

This is a young adult novel that will have the readers reaching for the stars. Fans of Jennifer Armentrout’s Lux series and Melissa De La Cruzs’ Frozen will enjoy The Apollo Academy by Kimberly Chase.