A review by sherlockhughes
In Fury Lies Mischief by Amo Jones


I don't know how Amo Jones does it but she has made me love the Midnight Mayhem world even more than I already did! Her books have the perfect amount of dark and twisty, angst filled moments set within a mind bending plot that takes you all over the world. The characters with in this Midnight Mayhem world are not your normal heroes, they are the broken and the villains yet by the end of her stories they are less broken and not so evil after all.

Killian and Sass have some amazing chemistry, they truly are the perfect match for each other. They have some of the steamiest scenes yet and arguably some of the most tender ones too. They both have their own reasons to be broken but they both have the ability to heal the other. Sass has an extremely dark past, parts so dark they are even hidden from herself and would most likely break a person beyond repair. Sass is not only able to overcome her past but find ways to thrive, which makes her such an inspiring character. Killian will suck you in, make you fall for him and then continue to alternate between sweet and cruel, making sure you never know where you stand with him. Watching him change, evolve and grow as a character over the course of the story was super entertaining. His internal conflict over some of the events and things he learns about Sass really made me love his character.

As always the other Midnight Mayhem characters are perfection! I also loved that we got a small cameo scene in here of some of my favorite Amo Jones characters! The ending of this book sets up book 3 perfectly and I can't wait to devour it when it comes out.

I highly recommend this book!!!