A review by krakentamer
The Didymus Contingency by Jeremy Robinson


This is the 10th consecutive Jeremy Robinson book that I've read, all as part of gearing up for Project Legion. I've had a great time; all of his books are a lot of fun. Until now. This was absolutely horrible. Time travel is my favorite genre, so I was really looking forward to this, even though it was going to be set during biblical times. As an atheist / former christian I really didn't have any desire to read a religious book. But after reading 9 books by the author, I felt pretty confident that it would be just another adventure set in the middle east.
There were multiple discussions about how great the world is now because of Jesus. I was expecting there to be some twist about Jesus - perhaps he was an alien? another time traveler? Maybe the twist would be that the question about Jesus' divinity would remain unseen, unanswered, unclear?
Sadly, no. This was a blatant christian story written espressly to show the author's religious views. If this had been the first Jeremy Robinson book I'd read it would've been the last. As it is, I'm seriously having second thoughts about reading any more, and I have 20+ of his books in my to-read list.
Putting aside the religious aspect, this is also a book in bad need of an editor. As others here have mentioned, it was filled with mispellings and plot holes that any decent editor would've caught.
All in all a huge disappointment from an author I was really enjoying.