A review by wulfwyn
The Second Captive by Maggie James


I was glued to this book. It had an interesting subject, a good twist and it educated me. It was a bit difficult for me at times. I have my own experience with domestic violence and being held against my will. It was different from Beth’s experience but certain scenes did bring that punched in the stomach feeling to me. I did not know very much of Stockholm Syndrome. That was very interesting to read about. I learned quite a bit.
I don’t know that I liked Beth that much. Maybe it was that I didn’t always understand her. Maybe I was comparing us too much. Maybe it was that I wasn’t as brave as she was. I shattered like glass..something I still feel guilty about. At times her bravery terrified me because I knew what could happen. I thought a lot about family dynamics and how things connected.
The book is told from Beth, Dominic and Ursula’s points of view. I’m not overly fond of multiple points of view but, in this case, it worked very well. Being able to follow each person’s thoughts brought the story to life. It added a necessary understanding.
The story was gripping, sad at times, intense and terrifying. I thought the ending was done right for the story. I don’t want to go into it for fear of spoiling it. It worked for me. I’m happy I selected this book.