A review by faerietears
Song Magick by Elisabeth Hamill


I don't know WHY it took me so long to finally write up my review on this beautifully written book!

Song Magick tells the story of the young bard Telyn Songmaker. It was Telyn's destiny to become the court musician.... until an incident at court ultimately ends up with Telyn's hand on the murder weapon.

We begin the story with Telyn alone in the woods, attacked by bounty hunters. The first half of the book is building a relationship with Telyn's rescuer - the dreamy Westwarden, Mithrais. (Whom I may have developed a slight crush on...)

Along the way Telyn learns more about her magical gifts and must choose whether to use them for those who are pressuring her, or to keep her powers under-wraps.

If you're not really a "fantasy reader," don't let that deter you from this great book. I'm not the type who really gravitates towards fantasy novels because I find that they're usually written as though the reader already knows the world in which the story takes place or else overly detailed causing me to lose interest. What I love about Song Magic is that I was able to jump right in and get to know the characters, and therefor get to know the world in which they lived, through the characters.

I hope the author finishes writing the sequel soon because I can't wait to read about what happens next in Telyn's world.