A review by cjadlp
Little Dove by Layla Frost

Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
Not my particular kink, but I was curious enough to stick with it for 141 pages.  This repeatedly invites the awkward question of at what point is the age difference/power dynamic hot, and what point is it just… grooming by Stockholm Syndrome?

Juliet starts as a fighter, but is way too ready to give up her freedom for this man she’s only ever caught glimpses of.  Maximo spends so little time on the page that I have absolutely no feelings about him whatsoever, and I’m disappointed that his “obsession” is just characterized as
casual masturbating while looking at a camera.
  If this had been creepy or emotionally complex, I would’ve kept reading.  That said, Freddy is my favorite.  Freddy deserves all the love.

Two lines I actually really liked:

He wouldn’t take me to a hospital if he were going to kill me. That’d be like giving a manicure to someone before hacking off their fingers—a pointless waste of time.
“Christ, I’m offering paradise and she wants hell.”

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