A review by dilchh
What If This Were Enough? by Heather Havrilesky


A collection of essays from Heather Havrilesky that I bought during the time I was angry at the world and how most of the time we live in this world just trying to fulfill other people's expectations for us with no end in sight. •

The title of the book took me by surprise as I was just asking myself the same question. I just wished people ask this question more often. I also wished I had liked this book more, because I really did thought this was my cup of tea. Unfortunately it was not. •

Whilst there were definitely a lot of points that the author made that resonates positively with me, I can't help but not being able to enjoy her essays. There are more than one occasion where I felt she's using much too difficult and complicated words just to show that she can. She also referenced a lot of books and movies in an annoying way people criticised a book or movie so as to seem intelligent and different than the common folks. •

To be frank, I stopped reading just two essays away from actually completely finishing the book altogether. I didn't want to anger myself more by how I felt the author can be quite condescending at times, and how she sounded really pretentious with her big words.• It's not entirely bad. I'm sure most people would actually enjoy this book l, and I might actually be in the minority for not enjoying this book, that being said, to each their own, I suppose. •