A review by cyireadbooks
Perilous Times by Thomas D. Lee


Too bad Perilous Times couldn't be more about resurrected dragons wreaking havoc upon earth. Thus requiring the help of the knights to rescue the world. Instead I found it politically slanted toward climate activists. Though I liken them more to eco-terrorists. Especially when explosives destroy a fracking site, sending it up in flames and emitting more carbon emissions than if left alone.

Needless to say, I didn't like or enjoy the narrative. However, I did like the snarky humor. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to sway me to continue reading -- especially since the activists (terrorists) were hell-bent on destroying just about everything that stood in the way of their agenda.

Though I normally read to at least 33% or more, I just couldn't continue much further than 25%. Sadly a one star DNF.

I received a digital ARC from Random House Publishing Group through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.