A review by warriorpickle
The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones


*podcast only*

So I heard about this podcast through another podcast I listened to as an advertisement. It sounded interesting to me so I added it to my list. Who would've thought in the middle of listening there would have been national news about it apparently trying to get inducted into schools as a program!?

But I'm not gonna get into that. I'm just gonna judge this on entertainment value alone.

And entertaining it was. This was one of the most well produced podcasts I've listened to, and it had some unique ways of telling it's story. Especially on episode 3, the music episode. This gave me some food for thought and I have been finding I enjoy things more often recently that have some history in them.

Speaking of history, I haven't done tons of research but I have seen some things saying this isn't historically accurate in a lot of things. Now while I didn't look a bunch of things up, I will say that there was plenty of times it seemed....a convenient truth I suppose. But nevertheless, I was entertained.

Overall I enjoyed listening to this.