A review by peregrineace
Green Arrow Vol. 9: Old Tricks by Mike Grell


After reading this, and doing a quick search on what to read next, I'm surprised that fans reacted so negatively to Felicity Smoak on Arrow. While Black Canary is a recurring love interest, she's hardly the only one.

That out of the way, this was a disappointing way to wrap up Grell's Green Arrow run. It feels a bit like the plots are happening to Oliver and there's no clear reason why he
Spoilerthrows away everything with Dinah Lance
. The main run Green Arrow comics also end on rather a down note and then segways abruptly into the Wonder Year mini-series, which is a huge jump in time and drawing style. I thought for a minute that I was reading a story about Robert Queen instead of Oliver.

Nonetheless, there were good moments... the brief return of Roy Harper and Shado, the multiple costumes parties with outfits that are in-jokes, Green Arrow's banter with the detestable Eddie Fyres. Overall I liked the Grell run but this was one of the weaker collections within it.