A review by strangecurrencies
Children of the Divide by Patrick S. Tomlinson


'Children of the Divide' is the third installment of the 'Children of a Dead Earth' series by American author, comedian, political commentator and provocateur Patrick S Tomlinson. Taking place years after the preceding installment Trident’s Forge, things have not necessarily developed as peacefully and cooperatively as everybody might have hoped. As humanity rebuilds and builds anew, the Atlanteans are finding adjusting to this species with advanced technology and strange culture more complicated and not quite as beneficial as they thought. An absolutely shining example of using SF to hold a mirror up to our own society, Children of the Divide deals with racism, prejudice, ghettoization, gentrification, gender politics, sovereignty and terrorism. All in a compelling world with a fascinating alien species and plenty of unanswered questions to keep us eager for the next book.

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