A review by dreamwanderer
Destiny: The Complete Saga: Gods of Night, Mere Mortals, and Lost Souls by David Mack


Destiny is the trilogy that changed the Star Trek Lit-verse. This is a massive story that unites all of the canon TV series (including Enterprise) and is the point of a focal shift in the novels.

The story of Erika Hernandez from Enterprise weaves in and out of the narratives of Captain Picard of the Enterprise, Ezri Dax, Captain of the Aventine and Captain Riker of the Titan. Chakotay and several characters from Voyager make cameo appearances. Voyager's side of this story is told in the separate novel Full Circle.

The Borg have come back to the Alpha Quadrant and this time they are here to destroy, not assimilate. Worlds are destroyed. Picard and his friends scramble to try and stop them. It's a riveting tale which held my attention from beginning to end.

From here on out the novels are interconnected into one large Universe. With the exception of The Original Series, there are no more 'stand alone' stories. It is one large over reaching arc which I believe was a smart move on the part of Pocket Books.

David Mack has done an excellent job of bringing together the crews of the various TV series and uniting the Star Trek novel-verse.