A review by jessicamap
Catacombs of Terror! by Stanley Donwood


A big thanks to Gallery Books for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

Can we just admire the pulpy goodness of this cover? I will always love these kinds of novels. CATACOMBS OF TERROR! by Stanley Donwood isn't going to be for everyone. If you love the more noir type crime novels then this will be more up your alley!

Private Investigator Martin Valpolicella has been tipped off that he is going to be set up to take the fall for a murder. The intended target? A former lover of his and it set to take place in the catacombs under Bath, England. Now he must race against the clock to stop this murder so he can't take the fall.

This is a quick and short novel, so it didn't take too long to finish reading. I can't say too much more about the plot without giving away a lot. None of the characters are particularly likeable, but I feel like in this genre you don't always like the protagonist (especially because there isn't a lot of book to connect to them). The bottom line is that if you like the hard-boiled crime or pulp fiction novels, then you'll get some enjoyment out of it. Full of seedy characters, drugs, a hard-as-nails PI, and an ending I wasn't expecting.

I give this 3.5/5 stars!