A review by mat_tobin
Roar of the Beast by Chad Sell


I was a little nervous that something would be lost in a sequel to the Cardboard Kingdom: identities had been established and friendships forged so where would the team of writers and lone illustrator, Chad Sell go next without a narrative or focus feeling forced? Still keeping with the 'crafting costumes from cardboard' theme, the second book takes place in the week leading up to Halloween and two of our gang are either out of commission through fear, injury or a nasty episode with the local teens. It takes the whole group together to overcome the mysterious monster that is terrorising the neighbourhood but in coming together, they all defeat the monster within too.

Whilst it didn't quite have the fluidity of the original with regards to the plot, and it was a little darker (quite literally with colouring), thematically, I still think this was a fine addition. Sell and company are keen to never have a simple case of good or bad when it comes to character and there is always a sense of redemption and learning throughout that I really enjoy. The diversity of the gang with regards to race, body shape, gender identity and ethnicity is never the focus but is extremely welcome: I adore the Sorceress.