A review by findingmontauk1
House of Sighs by Aaron Dries


Aaron Dries writes with some of the most elegant language I have read in a while. I swear his sentences read the way smoothing hot butter on toast feels. I am completely entranced when reading. This is the second book of his I have read (the first was a collab called Where The Dead Go To Die) and he continues to wow me with his style.

This story follows Liz Frost, a bus driver going through some stuff, and the passengers and victims on a wild ride to hell. And she is pretty psychotic and unhinged. What's interesting is all I could think about was the scary bus driver and bus scenes in A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 throughout most of this book - in a good way! But this book is far more brutal than that! The story is pretty fast paced and alternates between multiple POVs. My only struggle with this book was that, while it alternates POVs, it also alternates past to present with them all, and I had a difficult time knowing who or what was going on SOMETIMES. I was pretty focused on the present because - well - SHEER TERROR AND PANIC from Liz Frost in the present. But sometimes I just got a little lost - but again, his writing is just so nice to read with vivid descriptions and great details that I did not mind a bit.

Going to give this one 3.5 stars and round up to 4! Aaron Dries is a true talent and I am glad to have added him to my library of authors to be on the look out for. Now on to my next Dries book...! :)