A review by thekohanacritique
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan


Being someone who had started off "Percy Jackson" after a lot of persuasion, it was more than just worth it. The adventure from "Lightening Thief" to " The Last Olympian" was just....breathtakingly amazing! Here's a standing ovation to Rick Riordan for his writing style and story ideas. "The Last Olympian" was serious, intense and gripping from the first page to the last, the story was woven intricately and the crisis was major and almost heartbreaking. This is the second favorite book in the series right after "The Battle of Labyrinth". I read 300+ pages in just one sitting, the whole day before the clock chimed midnight - and that IS saying something because I'm a person who: a) Stays away from series-books (which is why I gave in to the persuasions), b) I always take my time finishing a book, in general; two days minimum for a 300 paged book.

The end of Percy Jackson and his adventures definitely came to a close with a cliff-hanger (nothing different coming form Riordan), but they will be missed, I already feel a tinsy bit sad about it, but holy Zeus, this was some amazing story-telling and I am entranced! The hangover hasn't left, can't wait for more!