A review by magpie_666
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction by H.P. Lovecraft, S.T. Joshi


21.09.21 update - I've finally read all 1000+ pages. Oof

Past reviews:

Call of Cthulhu - 3/5 A good read but the ending was a bit flat. Cthulhu has been made out to be such a terrifying monster that I expected a bit more from him at the end.

The Dunwich Horror -4/5. Much better, there was a sense of achievement for them at the end of this one

The Whisperer in Darkness - 4/5. Really creepy, but too long.

At the Mountains of Madness - 3/5. Oww, my brain! That was a tough one to get through. I stopped twice during the first few chapters and had to start again. I think the difficultly of getting to the good parts made my thoughts of this lessen, as my brain was frazzled by the time we got to the good stuff. Old Ones, Cthulhu Spawn, Mi-Go, Shoggoths? Who? what? where? when? I need to read the Wiki after this one, I have no idea what's what anymore...