A review by cstefko
Mannish Tongues by Jayy Dodd


4.25 stars

It's so nice when poems just flow effortlessly. I really appreciated the way dodd's poems feel like a conversation with the reader. Which is not to say that they're simplistic! Not at all. They're accessible yet belied with depths of meaning.

One of my favorite moments in the collection came during a series of haikus, which ended with what I can only call a double-headed haiku for lack of ever seeing the technique before and not knowing the real name (if there even is one)! I doubt Goodreads will let me recreate the formatting here, so I'll try to describe: basically the first line of the haiku serves as the first line for two separate-but-linked haikus, placed side to side with the first line acting as a bridge. It's always exciting to see a new form and experience something new in poetry.

Speaking of forms, there's also a very clever ars poetica with a perfect ending.

Definitely recommend this one!

Book #2 for #TheSealeyChallenge