A review by ellejaoy
The Kult by Shaun Jeffrey


I have to admit through different sets off circumstances I took a long while to really get into this book but once I got into it I managed to finish it in one night (waiting on Santa!)

I absolutely loved it! The whole last half of the book felt completely full of action and I physically couldn't put it down!

I was even more happy that I called it. I have no idea how because the twist was truly OUT OF THE BLUE but I definitely called it.

I even said to my Mother before I went to bed that I had a totally crazy inkling to the end and when she woke up this morning she said, and I quote, "I take it from the overjoyed victory shout last night at 1:30am you got the ending right."

OH YEAH. I totally. called. it.

I really loved some of the characters and hated others, and the one I truly hated the most was the bad guy - winner!

A brilliant recommendation from some great friends on here, a big thank you to them all and I can't wait to read more of Shaun Jeffrey!!