A review by samahcanread__
Feeder by Patrick Weekes


DNF: 50 pages in.

Maybe it was the writing style, the choice of language, or the lack of direction in this book, but I couldn't push myself to go further.

I don't know if it is me, but before starting the book, I didn't pay attention of the writer was a man or a woman, but two pages in, I would've bet all my money that it was a man. The over-sexualization of the main character, a 16 years old girl, was over the top. So many details that weren't necessary were put in, like a passage saying she picked a shirt and a bra. Do we need to know this?

Another small detail that made me cringe was when the main character met a person and said that he spoke with "an accent from Africa", um, honey, what do you mean African accent? Africa isn't a country, I don't know what it means.

I tried, but it's not my cup of tea