A review by staceylynn42
The Rivan Codex: Ancient Texts of the Belgariad and the Malloreon by Leigh Eddings, David Eddings


It's been a long time since I have re-read any of my Eddings books. That last series - The Elder Gods - left such a bad taste in my mouth it was over a decade before I could face it I guess. It was in that series they took that too cutsey "I noticed you noticing" stuff too far.
This book has some of that, plus some arrogance, plus some crotchety old man just for variety.
But I still enjoyed it.
This is the source material for the Belgarion & Mallorean series. Some of it became "Belgarath the Sorcerer" but a lot of it is just things like national dress and coinage and general history. I love those series and found this book still sufficiently entertaining to decide to re-read Belgarath on the strength of it. I'll probably re-read Polgara the Sorceress too even though I find her a bit too much of a high handed know it all.