A review by gordonk
Lisey's Story by Stephen King


I started reading this book back in February, and I struggled. It’s an interesting story, but over complicated in my opinion. I was finding it hard to take in and so I stopped reading it and moved on to other things. I wasn’t happy with that though, I’m a massive Stephen King fan, I had to give it another try.
Scott Landon himself said “Strap on whenever it seems appropriate”. (SOWISA)

Take two: I still think it’s over complicated and at times it was a struggle to get through, but I Was determined this time and so I soldiered on. (SOWISA)
There are some great elements here. Some of the biggest strengths of the story are the relationships. Not just that of Scott and Lisey, but that of Lisey and her sisters, and even that of Scott and his brother, Paul and their complicated relationship with their father.

Having said that, my opinion is that there is too much realism in the story, which is great on its own as a plot device, but that realism is not just in contrast to, but is also overpowering to the fantastical elements which are at play in the mind of Scott Landon. It felt to me like two separate stories which didn’t quite fit, like a jigsaw with wet pieces.

To summarise though I am still a massive Stephen King fan. Will I read this particular story again? I honestly don’t know. There are books out there which I know I definitely won’t revisit, but this isn’t the worst book in the world by a long shot, nor is it the least interesting story in King’s back catalog. It’s not in my top ten of his works, but maybe that will change in the future. I’ll give it another try if you will!