A review by steffi_au_penguinbooks
Embrace by Jessica Shirvington


“You are you and you are me. You are the Keshet.”


I don't know if any of you would read this review, since it's about a book you probably never heard of.
The Violet Eden Chapters by Jessica Shirvington is one of the best series If have ever had the pleasure to read and I'm highly recommending these books.

Embrace, the first installment, already starts very promising: romance, danger, different types of angels, plot twists and hurt. Jessica Shirvingtons writing style is very addictive and so so beautiful. It was so easy to connect with the characters, to laugh with them, to feel their pain, their love, to sympathize with them. I couldn't stop reading, the pages went flying.

As for the characters, Violet Eden, the main character, has her flews. She isn't perfect. And yes, she frustrated me a lot. However, she's a very strong character, fighting for her loved ones. She still acted very human and realistic, compared to other YA characters.
Then there are Lincoln and Phoenix. Two very different and mysterious guys. I'm myself rooting for Lincoln, since he's such an understanding and lovely person. Phoenix on the other hand is ... sexy. Ok, they are both sexy, but Phoenix is more alluring. You'll see what I mean.
And then there is Steph, Violet's bestfriend. Gosh, can I have a bestfriend like her?!

For two years now, I'm trying so hard to recommend this series. It has everything a good book needs. If you're still not happy with Embrace, then mabye give Entice another chance. If you're still not happy, then stop reading it. However, I'm highly recomming this series, since it's sometimes even better than overhyped books.

4 stars