A review by dlparrott
Dirty Fairytales by Cheri Marie, J.M. Schalm, Barb Shuler, Kelsey Jensen, Ava Harper Kent, Ava Danielle, L.B. Russell, Reagan Hollow, LB Russell, Brandy Dorsch, A.L. Wood, Carissa Laryea, Bethany Frost, Bethany Loughlin-Frost, Jaime Russell


My inner little girl is excited at all of these Fairy Tales being retold in a very dirty way. I couldn't pick just one short to review because they are all amazing pieces of work. I will say I would kill to have every single book a full length novel. Just saying authors come on you give a little then take it away. I won't give away what Fairytale is which dirty Tale because i want you to figure it out.

The Savage Princess by Cheri Marie

   Fallyn is the chief of police daughter. Emilio is the Mob Boss's son. They shouldn't be seeing each other in secret but they can't help it. When another man tries to take what is Emilio's he will stop at nothing to protect what is his.

          Yes, what a way to start an anthology with a bang. Fallyn is such a strong woman and Emilio is perfect. I can totally see why they fell in love. Their dad's are a couple of men I wanted to kick them. This book was short but full of craziness and greatness.

Pure as Snow by Brandy Dorsch

  Angelica Snow lost her father only to have her mother remarry the worst man ever. With the evil step father comes another evil man. After years of dealing with it all she wants is to be free she never took into account what that means. On the best day of her life it turns into the worst.

      I loved this book. I went through an array of emotions with this short story. The title is perfect for this book. I loved all the mystery around this book and the characters.

If The Shoe Fits by JM Schalm

  Collins left her family and evil step family. She has never looked back. She lives her life the way she see fits so when the Prince of England landed in the bar she isn't sure if she should go through with all her hidden desires.

      Oh man Miles sent my girly bits a tingling. Collins you go girl get away from the life. I instantly loved her. Miles I loved him then hated him then loved him all over again. This was a meet cute short.

Beauty Lives by LB Russell

 Blair was in a coma for 3 years because of a car accident. A year ago she woke up and had to do physical therapy. Now with put patient therapy she meets Alec the handsome therapist. As sparks fly will they make it the long haul?

      This was such an adorable story. I loved Blair and just wanted her to remember her past. I was shocked about Alec and what he did after just meeting her but it made for such a cute short.

Hooked by Reagan Hollow

  Peta was an orphan who banded together other orphans to survive the trials that life threw at them. When a new score came up it turns out that instead of playing James Holder they got played and Peta will have to pay the price.

     I loved Peta. I felt like she played the hand that the world felt her very well. She may not have it all but she has an amazing daughter she thought she would try and set them up for life. In walks James and it because a cat and mouse game. Loved it.

Secret Moans by Carissa Laryea

  Kaia is the daughter of the chieftain. She has never strayed from what is custom in her village. But that all changes when Jake comes to her village on vacation. Will she give up everything for him or will her father give her no other option?

      This short made me cry. This forbidden love story had all the perfect things. A cute meet up between them, a clandestine meeting, and a choice. This book had my heart warming only to make me ugly cry and then throw my hand in the air in a you go girl moment.  

Essential Beauty by Ava Harper Kent

 Rosalie is a beauty blogger and get the dream box fro. Alexander's company, Essential Beauty. With a note saying to text him they start a romance over text that leads to an interview. When confidential material comes to light for the competition Alexander will stop at nothing to find out who, even if that means ruining something great.

     Alexander is such a beast but he is a sexy beast. I loved how he took over and ran with it and wasn't your typical CEO that doesn't listen to other employees input. Rosalie is strong and so very smart. I loved that she wants to learn and be apart of everything. That she wants to know everything about her father's research but she wants to make a name for herself. Be her own woman. Yes sweetie slay.

What Big Teeth by Barb Shuler

  Angel is on her way to her grandmother house. As soon as she gets there her world turns upside down. Everything that she has ever known is blown away with just one look at a very sensual scene. She is drawn to Jarrod but she isn't sure why. The only person who knows what is going on is grandmother.

     Wow, this short gave me goosebumps and tingly bits. I wasn't sure what to make of this short. At the beginning I was like is this your typical fairytale then bam the author send me on such a sensual journey. It was amazing to read and very well written.

Letting It Go by Jaime Russell

  Lizzy is a workaholic and at the request of her uncle and sister she takes a much needed vacation to Hawaii. There she runs into her contractor Liam. Liam is there for his older brothers wedding. When these two decide to start something there and see what it goes everything is going amazing. That was until his older brother tries to meddle into his life.

     Ugh, Liam’s older brother is not a nice brother. What he is trying to do and pull in his life makes me want to punch him. But it's not just him it's his Fiancé also. Like come on Lizzy and Liam found each other on their own. Lizzy is a very smart woman but shy and slow when it comes to the opposite sex.

A Tangled Mess by Ava Danielle

 Robyne has never known another life but to be locked in a tower and only visited by her evil stepmother. That was until Prince Aaron started to visit her. With Prince Aaron's help she slowly starts to see the outside world. But will she ever get this curse on her lifted?

     Robyne is a fierce woman with beautiful hair. I am jealous of it by the way. I loved how she started to try and get away from the evil step mom. And Prince Aaron what a very smart man. Did I mention sexy because he is that also. I loved this spin on this fairytale.

Down Where Its Wetter by Bethany Loughlin-Frost

  Aria has this insane need that all started with a kiss from a merman named Eli. 2 years later with no Eli and being sated insight she does whatever she needs to scratch that itch. When she find out what her step family has done it just may put her in danger.

    Okay now this one went fast. It was very sexy, descriptive, and amazing. I loved how strong Aria was even with no end in sight. Eli even though he wasn't in it so much a absolutely loved him. I have a beach vacation soon and i hope to meet my merman.


Sweet by Kelsey Jensen

  Hadley only has her father left so when he married again she tried to get to know her step mom. So it came as a surprise when her stepmother has a son she never talked about. There's a reason behind that. Grant will stop at nothing to take his mother down. What he didn't anticipate was his new stepsister stirring something inside him. Will he stray from The mission for love?

     What a perfect ending to an amazing Anthology. Not only was this short well too short it was packed full of intrigue and had An amazing wow factor to it. Hadley and Grant are perfect for each other.

This anthology was perfect. I loved all the Fairy Tales and the way each author wrote. I even went and bought a few books by every author just so I can continue to read their amazing work. I hope you enjoyed every short in this amazing Anthology.