A review by theboundless_bookworm
The Quiet Girl by S.F. Kosa


In the chilling psychological novel, The Quiet Girl by S.F. Kosa, newly-married Alex Zarabian was baffled by his wife’s sudden disappearance. Little did he know that his wife had been keeping a dark secret from him and the only way to find her is to dredge up her past. But is Alex prepared to accept the ugly truth even if it shatters the way he sees the woman he vowed to love until the end?

This is not just a book told in dual perspectives but its use of the embedded narrative technique made it more riveting and addictive. I find it difficult to pour out my sentiments about this book without giving too much away. Kosa proves how well-researched the story by its detailed portrayal of a character going through severe psychological distress and emotional trauma. The harrowing evolution of the plot still holds on and becomes more compelling as the story progresses. It plunges into deeper and darker waters as it begins to revolve around twists and turns that the readers won’t see coming.

⁣⁣”The Quiet Girl” may yet be another twisty psychological thriller assumed for peddling the usual unreliable narrator technique. But what makes this suspense novel different is that it is difficult to tell where the plot is going. It redefines what it means for a thriller to be an intense page-turner. The Quiet Girl simply blew me away. The suspense builds quickly and the aftermath won’t even allow room to downplay this novel. It takes you deep down a dark path then pulls you back so you can pull yourself together. And just when you thought you knew exactly what is going happen, you’re suddenly plunged back into darkness but this time, you’re afraid you’ll be stuck.