A review by helenephoebe
Date with Malice by Julia Chapman


I enjoyed this one slightly more than the first in the series, [b:Date with Death|34303357|Date with Death (The Dales Detective, #1)|Julia Chapman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1487076377l/34303357._SY75_.jpg|50329914], and realistically would give this 3.5 stars (hurry up and add half stars, Goodreads!). A cosy crime murder mystery brimming with interesting characters, this is great for a snowy day to listen to in front of the fire, or radiator.

I wasn't really very fond of Samson in the first book, but he really grows on me here, especially as we see a lot more of his relationship with his father. Delilah I still love, but I had hoped to see more of her with her family in this one, so was a little disappointed on that score, but maybe in future books. I hope.

Based at a retirement complex, this mystery isn't what I expected, as the characters came to life so easily, though at times I thought the plot was a little lacking in substance and could have been more concise as some things that happened seemed to have no purpose at all.

Nevertheless a lovely easy read and I've got the others reserved on the library app and looking forward to delving into more of the adventures of Delilah and Samson and seeing how their relationship develops.