A review by _michelle_
Cinderella Dressed in Ashes by Cameron Jace


May contain mild spoilers!

First, anyone heard the rhyme that people jump rope to, the one that that starts off "Cinderella dressed in yellow (yella)"... ? It existed a long time before the title Anna Dressed in Blood; the title of this book is obviously taken from the rhyme, being a novel about Cinderella and all.

8/7/13: OMG! It has a cover! Yay! I want it! :)

8/15: I got my copy today!!

Original Review:
OK. I LOVED this book! It was better than the first (which was still pretty good), and more in tune with the darker prequels, which I adored. I liked the atmosphere, the intrigue.

Loki was a snot, so he kinda annoyed me more than he made me fearful of him as a villian. I wanted Shew to haul off and attack him, and not just because he's the baddie; he talks too much. Less chatter!

I loved the portrayal of Cinderella, it was very original. I'd like to see more of her in future novels

I really wish the series would actually continue from Shew's (Snow White) POV, since the Lost Seven are important to her survival; plus, this installment was just plain awesome!

From Anna Dressed in Blood, page 66 (ISBN: 97807765328656):

"Anna dressed in blood? Like Cinderella dressed in yellow?" -Cass

For everyone insisting Cinderella Dressed in Ashes mimics the title Anna Dressed in Blood, please note Anna Dressed in Blood is actually mimicking a Cinderella nursery rhyme; thus Cinderella Dressed in Ashes, a story about Cinderella, is mimicking a Cinderella nursery rhyme that predates Anna. I already knew this, but here's your proof. Zip it.