A review by thelilbookwitch
Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn


I think this book fell prey to sequel syndrome, and spent a lot of time bumbling Aveda/Annie through without giving her the opportunity to show off meaningful growth until past the point I think a lot of people may have given up. Aveda is also a little challenging to relate to, especially since there wasn't any redemption work to soften readers between the first book (where she's a bit of a secondary antagonist of sorts) to this book where she's the titular heroine.

The beginning was a legitimate struggle to get through, and there wasn't a lot of substance happening with the plot to keep things progressing in a fashion that kept me invested. At times it felt like there wasn't a clear direction Aveda's journey was taking her, and almost like the author didn't like writing her as much as she had Evie.

I will continue to read the series, because I did enjoy the growth and communication that did happen towards the end of the book, and I do care about the side characters a lot and hope to see their HEAs too.