A review by oracle_of_madness
What We Never Say: Bold Journeys Book One by Paulette Stout


Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for this Arc. 

I really wish I could have liked this more.  Especially because it is about an intriguing topic and something that I believe needs to be talked about more.  As a woman,  I get to see my story told in many books concerning SA, but I know this happens to men as well and I've always wished there were more inclusion for them in this topic. 

So I liked the topic in a very just "we need to talk about this," way.  What I really didn't love were the characters personalities and that the story itself just didn't feel completely full to me.

I really must applaud this author for tackling this subject and I really hope there is a lot more writing on this to come!

Out November 1, 2022!