A review by pnwdermnrs
Love in Due Time, by L.B. Dunbar


Eh. I really wanted to love this one. Unfortunately, so much about it fell short for me. There were a few sweet moments, and I liked Nathan's character and his daughter Clem. Mostly, I appreciated the homage paid to Bethany Winston.

That said, the writing style felt awkward and clunky. Several attempts at humor fell way flat for me, and I felt zero chemistry between Nathan and Naomi. The whole "capture the witch" subplot is pretty weak, and It's a bit of a stretch to believe that she's been pining, celibate, for 18 years for a one stand. Yes, I understand there are other emotional ties to that night, but come on...That, plus her pretty unbelievable awkwardness and self-pity made Naomi hard to relate to. It wasn't endearing, it was cringy.

Honestly, this is probably a 2 star book for me, but I added one star for Bethany Winston and Green Valley. I wanted to DNF it a few times, but pushed through because I love this world so much. The ending was satisfying enough, so I'm glad I finished it. This is my first book by this author, and I probably won't seek her out in the future.