A review by jennicakes
Carolina Moon by Jill McCorkle


I have mixed feelings on this one, which I'm sure will affect the quality of my review. But whatever.

The beginning of this book hinted at bit of mystery and darkness that really drew me in, but then I felt it kind of left me hanging, in favor of character and relationship studies. Which are actually brilliantly written, but after a while, I wondered what the point was. Then ALL WAS REVEALED, very quickly, at the end. And while that was more satisfying than not, it was the kind of information dump that makes me think, "Okay, that's really cool. So why wasn't the book about what it was actually about?" So the plot was well done, but I'm still deciding if it was really, extra-well done, or just gimmicky.

Dumb Yankee Lady Alert: I would only recommend this book if you find weirdass Southern-types TOTES charming. I can go either way on this. Having lived in the South, I know it can be kind of kooky and endearing, but I also have a hard time believing that everyone is *quite* so nutty. (Unless its done with a lighter, or more satyrical touch, i.e., A Confederacy of Dunces.)