A review by drewsbooklist
Sealkeeper by Ria Rees


The premise of this novella is SUCH a cool idea! Tegwen is basically a protector of people’s dream realms so that they stay separate from reality, but when something goes wrong she has to deal with totally unexpected situations. It gets kind of scary at points, and super adorable at other points. Absolutely love how the story incorporates some native stories and ideas!
My main issue is that this story would definitely have benefitted from being longer. It was well-written considering the length of the story, but I just wish we could have delved deeper into it at various points. Honestly, if this was twice as long I would have been super happy! But of course the story was super enjoyable as-is and I highly recommend this to anyone interested in the idea of other realms, dreams, myths/lore, or sapphic romance. Loved it!!!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.