A review by booksandladders
Songbyrd by Anna Silver


Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Actual Rating: 3.5*

I actually really enjoyed this one. This one starts off in a way that I usually hate (Girl Bounces From Town To Town Because Mother Is Keeping A Secret) but I thought it really worked here. Even though there were a lot of tropes used in this one, I thought Silver did a good job of making them her own. I did, however, feel a bit of a lull in the middle of the book that caused me to lose a bit of interest. And I wasn't a huge fan of how PTSD was treated in this one, which is why it's a 3.5*.

I really liked Innocence. I thought she was a really strong character who was just trying to do the best she could under the circumstances. I really liked how she wanted answers and would do what she could to find them. I also liked that she called her mom out on things that she didn't like. I think we really got to see her be a good person -- and a good Siren.

I liked all the other female characters and how their relationships intertwined. I think there is a lot to be said for family secrets and traditions (although these ones were much cooler than mine). I also think that there was a real familial connection between them and I really enjoyed reading about it. I liked that this one was more about family matters and learning to use what you have rather than just strictly romance.

And for the romance, I liked that even the MC wasn't sure if she was in love or not (but cleared it up at the end). I think it was really interesting how everyone viewed love in here. I also really liked that Summon was very much open to other people and having open relationships. I liked that Summon was all "why should love only be between two people" because !! so awesome to see that.

The best part of this book, though, was the Siren mythology piece. I REALLY liked how the "stories" and mythology intertwined with Silver's own interpretation on it. I also really liked how different Sirens were stronger or better at different things than others. I ALSO REALLY LIKED THAT THEY HAD BROODS OF MEN. And one of the really cool things was seeing how each of the Byrd women used their powers in different ways. Each of them took their "gift/curse" and used it as they thought was most appropriate and it was cool to see how they did so and how that overlapped with their personality.

I was disappointed that
SpoilerInnocence and Jace's sex at the end was fade to black, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. It took some of the classic tropes of a fantasy book and used them to it's advantage. On top of that, it had some really cool mythology and a romance system I could get behind. I recommend checking this one out if you're into twists on mythology and girl power.

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