A review by challe232
The Wolf and the Watchman by Niklas Natt och Dag


The Wolf and the Watchman is a great historical thriller. It is 1793 in Stockholm, Sweden. Cecil Winge and Mickel Cardel try to solve a murder when a mutilated body is found in the lake. Cecil works for the police, but is limited by consumption and is quite physically weak. Cardel is a war veteran and ex-watchman, who likes to drink hard and often.

This novel is vividly written and quite gruesome – but great. It is so well written that it is your imagination that makes it so difficult at times. There are other notable characters as well that completely absorb you into their lives. I am unwilling to spoil the story so I am keeping this review quite short.

It was a little difficult to follow the political aspects, but that is not the fault of the novel. Prior to this novel, I knew very little of Sweden and the time period. Anyone who loves historical fiction and mystery/thriller will like this novel.

Throughout the book I kept thinking, ‘Who is the wolf?’ It was made brilliantly clear by the end.

4 out of 5 stars. Thank you so much Atria Books and Netgalley for an advanced copy.