A review by diamondxgirl
Dead Air: The Complete Season 1 by Gwenda Bond, Rachel Caine, Carrie Ryan


Absolutely fantastic. One of the best reads this year and I’m so thrilled it won’t end with season 1. Fans of Serial and all true crime shows will love this.

I will read anything Gwenda Bond writes and it comes as no surprise that I am absolutely OBSESSED with her latest Serial alongside Carrie Ryan and Rachel Caine.

Dead Air is so much more than a “Serial” port. Serial Box fully takes advantage of their unique method to create not just a story but an experience for readers. Serials are already coupled with text + audio and Dead Air comes with the added bonus of the podcast featured in the story! Such a cool element. It’s like you’re immersed.

In Dead Air, we meet Macy, and her alter-ego Mackenzie. See, Macy is a quiet, non-imposing type while Mackenzie puts herself out there - literally on the air - to bring justice to Peg’s murder.

The internet has made amateur sleuthing a possibility for just about anyone. I mean, we just saw a decades old case get solved because someone’s distant relative uploaded their DNA online to find their ancestors. We also live in the age of Netflix true crime dramas, where the court of public opinion gets to try not only the defendant but the experts involved in the case. Dead Air is a perfect complement to the current landscape.

Gwenda, Rachel, and Carrie did such a fantastic job laying out the details of the crime that I actually googled to make sure it wasn’t a real case.

And, of course, this wouldn’t be a Gwenda Bond story if there wasn’t a romance that becomes complicated. I don’t want to say too much but I am totally shipping the couple in this story.

I can’t wait to listen to the matching podcasts (but wait - there’s more!) and return to the world of Dead Air…until season 2.