A review by kimily
One Wish Away by Ingrid Seymour


This book was provided to me for free by the author, in exchange for an honest review.

I had never read a djinn book prior to One Wish Away, and was a little unsure what to expect, considering my only experience is with a Disney movie. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of personality shown in the Faris character. He is more than just a smoldering piece of eye candy. Another detail that pleased me was that Marielle’s personality and background matched up. Anyone with the kind of history that Marielle has should be leery of trusting anyone. Too many female protagonists in the YA genre throw their faith at people at the drop of a hat, and that just doesn’t mesh with the real world. The book isn’t perfect; there are minor plot holes and some editing issues (mostly, I think, contributable to the digital conversion process), but it was a fun, quick read.