A review by kristi518
Rescue Me, Maybe by Jackie Bouchard


I really, really wanted to love this book as I had read the author's previous book, What the Dog Ate,and loved it. This book just didn't "hit the spot" so to speak. I can't put my finger on just what it was about this book that I didn't care for when everyone else seemed to love it. Could it have been then issues of death and cancer? Not sure since I knew these were parts of the book going in.

The characters are likable and I feel they are well developed. The story was good and I liked the storyline of Jane going to help her aunt and uncle out. I liked some of the situations Jane found herself in with the visitors to the B&B.

There was nothing specific I didn't like about the book I just didn't find it as enjoyable as the other book by this author I had read. I was hoping I could give this book a four or five star rating and I'm kind of sorry I have to give it a two star but for me this book was just O.K. Not sure I would recommend it to anyone.