A review by ablotial
Lock In by John Scalzi


From the first time I read the description of this book, I was fascinated and marked it as to-read (and a high priority to-read at that!). These kind of utopian/dystopian futures really appeal to me, for whatever reason. I read the world building short story, [b:Unlocked: An Oral History of Haden's Syndrome|21805681|Unlocked An Oral History of Haden's Syndrome|John Scalzi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1397572655s/21805681.jpg|41068587], before this book came out and was super impressed, and it got me very excited to read this.

Well, I have to say I actually liked the short story more than the book, though the book was still very enjoyable. The short story focused more on the world building, the implications of the disease and the threeps, the moral and ethical issues surrounding this potential future. While it wasn't really much of a STORY (not so much a plot with a beginning, middle and end), it was really well written and engaging. Whereas this book was definitely more of a story, a sci-fi mystery/thriller of sorts. And it was enjoyable, set in this new world, but not enjoyable in the same way.

Somehow it seems like I'm reviewing the short here, instead of the book. But I guess, while the book was enjoyable, I don't think there is that much more to say about it.