A review by veldhoenv
Bewitched & Betrayed by Lisa Shearin


I've found that with each Raine Benares book, I have been enjoying the series more and more. Bewitched and Betrayed is my by far my favourite so far.

I won't spoil you all but I WILL say that Raine makes a choice in this book between her two suitors. It was done really well and I very much enjoyed all of the steamy bits.

Mychael's character was really well fleshed-out in this book. In the previous books I always felt like there was a lot more to know about him and in this one we really learn a lot. Not everything of course (because what fun would that be?) but enough to make him a more enticing character and to make me want to learn even more.

Raine also seems to be understanding the Saghread and the power it's given her in this book a lot more now. With the earlier books, it was still very much a new experience but now Raine really has a clear understanding of how she can use it without feeding it.

I love all of the characters and they are just as fun in this book as they are in the others. Tam, Talon, Mychael, everyone in the Benares family... The dialogue between them all is just so well-done and is always fun to read. Raine's plethora of zingers also never fail to entertain.

I felt a lot more closure with this book than I did with the first three. There are still a lot of loose ends and issues that need to be addressed, but I feel like B&B gave me enough answers to keep me satisfied. In summary, I would recommend this book if you have read the previous three because I think it's even better than the first ones. And if you haven't read the other books yet, I would definitely recommend all four and would also add that I am really jealous that you have four really good books to go through!