A review by evee88
The Hazel Wood, by Melissa Albert


2.5 stars.
I didn't get it? Like I really wanted to love this book, since it sounds like everything I need in my life. Dark, twisted fantasy if you will. I got what I wanted... technically...
I don't really know how to explain this book other than confusing. The writing is borderline try hard. Like the author tried really hard to make this book lyrical and make sense... it honestly didn't. I don't know... I think my thoughts could be most accurately described with Emily May's review Basically all I have to say is in her review, except I don't think it's fully Wonderland Alice seems to have stumbled in, it's far darker for that matter and I have to say Alice in Wonderland had a far better plot. I felt like this book was everywhere.
I would like to say I appreciated and dislike the weird ship going on in this book. I have mixed feelings about it because at the same time it's VERY unique... but I don't like it? It's not cliche at all and I'm quite happy with how the author wrote it. I just am not a fan because of well... opinions.

Overall, I can't say I loved this book. I somewhat enjoyed it with its weirdness and confusion, but I have to say IT WAS VERY CONFUSING. I didn't know what was happening most of the time and I actually felt bored at a certain point. It's never good to feel bored when you read something. I guess I was expecting too much, but I really thought this was gonna be like Caraval reimagined. I was so so wrong.