A review by jodyladuemcgrath
Delivering the Truth by Edith Maxwell


It is 1888 in Massachusetts, and Quaker midwife Rose Carroll provides a very good and well-needed job in her town. She values the Quaker belief of all are equal, and provides her services to both the rich and the poor, the wed and the unwed. When a horrible fire happens burning down 3 factories in town and killing some of the workers inside, Rose cannot seem to put away the serious feeling of injustice she feels down to her bones. When the local detective asks her to keep her ears open, she takes that to mean she should ask some questions, which get very dangerous when a murder happens shortly after the fires. What has Rose gotten herself involved in? She is in too deep to stop now.

This was a fantastic book. First I learn a lot about Quakers that I did not know about, at least historically. I had to read up on them to learn more. It was so very interesting. Most Quaker books that I have seen are romances, and I don't read a lot of those. I was thrilled to find a mystery. The mystery wasn't an easy one either. There are plenty of unlikable people in the book, but the ending, the way it happened, surprised me. I loved it. There was a dance that was a bit odd for her to attend though. I don't know why she got special permission or why she would want to jump through this hoop. I know...love, blah, blah, blah. But with her beliefs, it seemed odd. Out of character, I guess. That is just me nitpicking, though.

I definitely recommend this book. Have fun!