A review by locpressedbooks_
Ghetto Klown by John Leguizamo


I have always thought that John Leguizamo was a funny guy, he has started in some of my favorite movies so when I found saw, walking through the stacks of my library, I found his autobiography! Who knew? What I can say that I liked about it was the fact that it was John from John POV without it being too much of a joke which what, like I said, I liked most about it. This is John, you can tell at his most honest state about is life. When he was down, when he was out of work when his relationships with his family, friends and significant others weren't doing so well and how all these things turned into stand-up gold. And realizing what he had to do in this world to complete himself as a man. The style of drawing (done by Christa Cassano and Shamus Beyale) and the coloring that was used in this graphic novel were ver well done. The whole thing is done in these beautiful shades and hues of blue. If you're a fan of John Leguziamo and even want a bit of advice from a guy who felt lost at one point and watch the steps he took to "find himself" again I would suggest reading his autobiography.