A review by kahawa
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker


This book discusses all the topics we should be discussing, and for the most part Pinker does a skilled job of it. Ultimately he debunks the blank slate idea. Humans are not blank slates waiting to be written upon. But that's not to say that humans aren't written upon - they totally are. The Blank Slate theory seems to be an ethics driven theory which pushes unqualified equality as its highest ideal. IMO, it's unfortunate that the book is named for the theory it debunks. 'Human Nature' would have been a much better title, and that's really what the book is about - humans are born with a nature, and it affects their lives, just as much as they are affected by nurture.

I think where The Blank Slate lacks is that it could have benefited from having editorial feedback from those he's criticising. He's done his research, but I don't think he's taken on their strongest counter arguments. Also, at times he talks about progress in equal rights and makes it sound like we've dealt with those bad problems - now it's pretty much fixed albeit with a few kinks to work out. This is, again, where critical feedback would have greatly enhanced his message. As it is, it might not age well.

Still, a really important discussion on human nature.