A review by nickym96
Shadows of A Vampire by M.L. Guida


I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I like books with vampires. I like books with pirates. I like books with shape-shifters. But for some reason, the combination of them all was just a bit much for me in this book. Throw in demons trying to inexplicably kidnap people and take over the world and I was kind of confused. I think it would have helped having read book 1 in this series. I spent the first chapter or so kind of overwhelmed by the introduction of these characters and their situations. But once we got more into the story, things started making more sense. I unfortunately never fell in love with any of the characters. I didn't care much for William. The man gets turned into a dragon, yet he constantly denies magic. Mariah was okay, but I never understood her attraction to William. Kane kept going back and forth between supporting Mariah and threatening to kill her. So I never understood Hannah's attraction to him. I really liked Hannah, though. And Solstice. And Mariah's grandmother. They were interesting side characters that I really enjoyed.

Overall, the book held my interest. I really think I would have benefited having read book 1 in the series first because the set up for book 3 in the series and the next adventures Mariah and William and the rest the crew seems very interesting.