A review by debs_shelves
Better than the Book by M.E. Carter


I adore this author combo and this series has been amazing in so many ways, but this book is now my favorite! BTTB gave us lots of romance mixed with some crazy laugh out loud moments and I loved it all!

Celeste - she’s cute and quirky. On a mission to attend that Con year after year despite all the crazy things that come her way. Girl is determined to meet Hunter Stone. I love how real she is - from her crazy curls to her nervousness over meeting her celebrity crush to her secret love of the vampire show to the fact that the job she loves fulfills her but she struggles to make ends meet.

Hunter. *sigh*. Hands down my favorite guy in this series. He’s swoony and a “star”, but in reality he’s just a guy with a truck who calls his mama when life gets complicated and he needs some help navigating thru it!

Celeste & Hunter together - their romance was sweet and they were destined to be, but they were also HILARIOUS!!! I laughed to the point of tears multiple times.

Thank you ladies for putting your all into this series and not only giving us amazing reads, but also supporting great causes!