A review by munderoon
Special Forces - Mercenaries Part II by Vashtan, Aleksandr Voinov, Marquesate


I don't feel able to write a review. Well, not true. But I don't feel able to write a LONG one... (Addendum: at least I thought so, but well... didn't work quite well, aye? :p)

So, this book was amazing, no doubt. So far, the authors of the Special Forces NEVER disappointed me, which is rare, but oh so welcomed.
But some aspects of this book were hard to read, but not because they were not well written, but because they transformed my heart for Vadim and Dan into a little ball of fear. (Which does not mean that it wasn't necessary for the book - I see the importance of those things - but my heart considered them as unnecessary.)
All in all, it was a bit difficult to hold on, because you can almost see where everything was going (not a spoiler: to hell). So it didn't thrill me like Merc I (my favorite by now) or Soldiers I+II did, but that's just my opinion.
Nevertheless I'll start with Veterans straight away, though I don't want this to end. I really don't.
I think I never refused to end a book series as much as this one. Even my beloved Jamie and Claire novels (Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon) (will) end someday and though I'm not up to date in that series, I was okay with ending it at some point.
I'm curious to find out if I will be okay with ending Special Forces at some point in Veterans, but at the moment, it looks like I won't. (Yey, that's promising! So much fun to come then... Yes, Sheldon. That was sarcastic.)
Only one thing left to say... no ... hold on, TWO!
First: The last scene broke my heart. Concerning Dan, probably for the first time as hard as this. He isn't my favorite of them, but the end did make me realise that I care as much for him as I do for Vadim. Which startled me at first, but then I hugged my reader and whispered one or two emotional things into fictional Dan's ears.
Second: I'll never forget this series. Never. And I want to thank the authors of Special Forces, because - though I'm not good at talking about feelings apart from fangirl-feelings - this series helped me in a sense I do not understand yet myself. All I know is: I'm very grateful for this experience and if you see this, you perfect team of authors, be aware that I am and will remain a fan of what you do.
